Thursday, August 27, 2015

Warship sea monster figurehead raised from Baltic

The figurehead of a 15th century Danish warship has been raised from the bottom of the Baltic Sea.

A wooden sea monster emerged on Tuesday from the Baltic sea after lying on the seabed off the southern Swedish town of Ronneby for more than 500 years.

Representing a ferocious looking creature with lion ears and crocodile-like mouth, the 660-pound figurehead stood at the prow of a ship. It was carved from the top of an 11-foot-long beam.

According to experts at Blekinge museum, which was involved in the salvage effort, the “monster” was part of the Gribshunden, a 15th-century warship belonging to the Danish King Hans.

[Full story]

Story: Rosella Lorenzi, Discovery News | Photo: Johan Rönnby, Södertörn University

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