Friday, August 7, 2015

Early Maori village found in New Zealand

A small Maori fishing settlement dating back to 1350 A.D. has been found in New Zealand.

Furey said sites like this were becoming increasingly rare and this one was one of the oldest Maori settlements uncovered. She said there was no evidence to suggest people were in New Zealand before 1320AD.

University of Auckland archaeologist Simon Holdaway said finds such as fish hooks and fossilised dog poo were small, but significant.

The dog poo helps paint a clearer picture of the relationship between early Maori and the dogs they brought with them on their Pacific voyages. Early settlers ate dogs, a meat saved for high-status Maori. They also used dog hair in cloaks and fed the dogs leftover fish carcasses.

[Full story]

Story: Laura Walters, Auckland Now | Photo: Auckland Now

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