Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Rooms filled with storage jars found at Tel Kabri

Three rooms filled with sotrage jars have been found at the 4,000-year-old site of Tel Kabri in Israel.

A room full of clay storage jars, dubbed the “wine cellar,” had been found there in the last season. Now the latest excavation season at the site, located in an avocado orchard in the north just five kilometers from the Mediterranean coast, has uncovered three more rooms containing no less than about 70 storage jars.

Altogether, the excavators say, they uncovered at least 120 restorable jars still in situ in four storage rooms in the southern storage area of the palace (including pieces found in the last seasons). They may have also found a fifth storage room in a different building complex located to the northwest. “The rooms have not all been fully excavated,” points out Assaf Yasur-Landau of the University of Haifa: the number will probably double when that’s done, he adds.

[Full story]

Story: Julia Fridman, Haaretz | Photo: Eric Cline

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