Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Bronze Age fortress found in Turkey

A settlement and fortress dating back to the Bronze Age has been found in the Gölmarmara Lake basin in Turkey.

“This area is four times larger than the ancient site of Troy in Çanakkale and the largest late Bronze Age settlement that has been found in the Aegean region. When the work is done, we will take a very significant step toward promoting Manisa to the world,” said Ya?ar University academic Professor Sinan Ünlüsoy, the deputy head of the Kaymakç? Archaeology Project.

Excavations conducted by an excavation team formed by 42 archaeologists from leading U.S., European and Turkish universities are continuing to shed light on the unknown about the late Bronze Age (1600-1200 B.C.).

[Full story]

Story: Hürriyet Daily News | Photo: DHA

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