Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Mammoth ivory figurine fragments found in cave

Two fragments of a female figurine carved out of mammoth ivory have been found in a cave in Germany.

The female depictions from Hohle Fels date to 40,000 years ago are the oldest depictions of humans thus far recovered. While the new find is modest compared to the “Venus of Hohle Fels”, its form and the engravings on the surface show strong similarities with the more complete Venus. The new fragment, which represents a breast and part of the stomach, comes from a sculpture that appears to be slightly larger than the ca. 6 cm high discovery from 2008. Both female figurines come from the Aurignacian period during which modern humans rapidly spread across Europe, displacing the indigenous Neanderthals.

[Full story]

Story: University of Tübingen | Photo: M. Malina/University of Tübingen

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