Thursday, July 30, 2015

Viking sword found in Norway

A sword dating to the late Viking Age has been uncovered from a burial in southern Norway.

The sword must have belonged to a wealthy man who lived in the late Viking Age. The sword is 94 cm long; although the iron blade has rusted, the handle is well preserved. It is wrapped with silver thread and the hilt and pommel at the top are covered in silver with details in gold, edged with a copper alloy thread,” said project leader Zanette Glørstad.

“When we examined the sword more closely, we also found remnants of wood and leather on the blade. They must be remains from a sheath to put the sword in,” explained curator Vegard Vike. He has had the challenging task of cleaning up the handle and preserving the sword.

[Full story]

Story: AlphaGalileo | Photo: Ellen C. Holthe, Museum of Cultural History, University of Oslo

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