Thursday, July 30, 2015

New mosaics found in Galilee synagogue

Researchers working in the east aisle of a 5th-century synagogue in Galilee have uncovered new portions of floor mosaics.

New digging reveals that the inscription is in the center of a large square panel with human figures, animals and mythological creatures arranged symmetrically around it, Magness said. These include winged putti (cupids) holding roundels (circular discs) with theater masks, muscular male figures wearing trousers who support a garland, a rooster, and male and female faces in a wreath encircling the inscription. Putti and masks are associated with Dionysos (Bacchus), who was the Greco-Roman god of wine and theater performances, she said.

This summer’s excavations also brought to light columns inside the synagogue covered with plaster and painted ivy leaf designs.

[Full story]

Story: Bournemouth University | Photo: Bournemouth University

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