Monday, July 20, 2015

Mongol shipwreck found off Japan coast

The 13th century remains of a Mongolian invasion ship that sank due to a typhoon have been found off the southern coast of Takashima island.

Numerous artifacts have been found on the seabed in the Takashima Kozaki site from wrecks of a fleet dispatched in the second Mongolian attempt to invade Japan in 1281. The two invasion attempts in 1274 and 1281 ended in vain as the both fleets were destroyed in typhoons.

The latest ship is estimated to have measured about 20 meters from bow to stern and 6 to 7 meters wide, slightly smaller than the first ship.

Its body was split by nine wooden bulkheads and was loaded with rocks that were apparently used as ballast. The boat’s keel has not been found. The archaeologists believe it remains buried at the bottom of the sea.

[Full story]

Story: Asahi Shimbun | Photo: University of the Ryukyus and the Matsuura city board of education

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