Thursday, July 16, 2015

5,500-year-old fingerprint found on ceramic vessel

A ceramic vessel uncovered in Denmark still bears the 5,500-year old fingerprint of its maker.

Danish archaeologists doing a survey ahead of the construction of the Femern Belt link scheme, an immersed tunnel that will connect the German island of Fehmarn with the Danish island of Lolland, have found a 5,500-year old-ceramic vessel bearing the fingerprint of the artisan who made it.

The vessel is known with the name “funnel beaker,” a kind of ceramics which features a flat bottom with a funnel shaped neck. Such earthenware is characteristic of the Funnel Beaker Culture (4000 – 2800 B.C.), which represents the first farmers in Scandinavia and the north European plain.

[Full story]

Story: Rossella Lorenzi, Discovery News | Photo: Line Marie Olesen/Museum Lolland-Falster

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