Thursday, July 9, 2015

Excavation of Antikythera shipwreck to continue

Excavation of the 2,085-year-old Antikythera shipwreck will continue for another 5 years.

The ship, which likely sank between 70 B.C. and 60 B.C. as it trekked west from Asia Minor to Rome, holds plenty of treasure: During the first phase of the project “Return to Antikythera,” which ended in October 2014, undersea explorers found tableware, a lead anchor, a giant bronze spear that may have been part of a statue of a warrior or the goddess Athena, and other artifacts.

With this newly approved extension, researchers will focus on known hotspots for pottery and metal objects; the team hopes to complete a detailed map of the wreck site and excavate treasure and artifacts from the ship.

[Full story]

Story: Elizabeth Goldbaum, LiveScience | Photo: Wikimedia Commons

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