Monday, December 1, 2014

WWII aircraft found underwater near Republic of Palau


Two WWII aircraft has been found under the waters of the Pacific near the Republic of Palau.

The group narrowed their search area and in March 2014, the AUVs found the remainder of the Avenger bomber, which had been missing in action for 70 years. A few days later, sonar images helped reveal a second aircraft, an F6F Hellcat, in a second location.

“It was an exciting time, but also a solemn time because you know there are potentially servicemen still in the plane,” said Moline, who attributes the discovery to the combination of BentProp’s historical knowledge of the area and archival records, and the advanced robotics technology provided by UD and Scripps.

[Full story]

Story: University of Delaware | Photo: University of Delaware

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