Wednesday, December 17, 2014

1,300-year-old imperial building found in Japan

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The foundation holes of a 1,300-year-old imperial building has been found in Japan’s first capital: Kashihara.

The holes, 1.2 meters to 2 meters across, were discovered in the Toho Kanga section, which is known as the district for government ministries. Toho Kanga was located 250 meters east of the ruins of Daigokuden hall, where the emperor performed important rituals.

Seven similar holes were found in a previous study two years ago.

Combined with the new finds, archaeologists now believe the holes were used to hold stones that propped up a structure about 8 meters by 11 meters comprising many posts.

[Full story]

Story: Kazuto Tsukamoto, The Asahi Shimbun | Photo: Kazuto Tsukamoto

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