Thursday, December 11, 2014

DNA confirms King Richard III’s remains


DNA analysis has conclusively proved that the remains found under an English parking lot two years ago do, in fact, belong to King Richard III.

“The evidence is overwhelming that these are indeed the remains of Richard III,” University of Leicester geneticist Turi King said during a press conference.

Just how overwhelming? King and colleagues put pretty astounding odds on their claim: Taken together, the genetic, genealogical and archaeological evidence show that there’s a 6.7 million to 1 (or 99.99 percent) chance that the 500-year-old skeleton is the king’s.

The new research into Richard’s genes also revealed that the king had blue eyes and blond hair, at least in childhood. The findings were published today (Dec. 2) in the journal Nature Communications.

[Full story]

Story: Megan Gannon, LiveScience | Photo: University of Leicester

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