Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Viking feasting hall found in Sweden


Archaeologists working in Sweden has located the foundation of a Viking feasting hall.

The Aska barrow, where the hall has been found, was long seen as a burial mound. But archaeologists have now revealed that it is a foundation platform for a large building, most likely dating from the Viking Period. The hall was probably the home of a royal family whose rich graves have previously been excavated nearby.

“Parallels are known from several of the era’s elite sites, such as Fornsigtuna near Stockholm and Lejre near Roskilde. The closest similarities are however seen in a recently excavated feasting hall at Old Uppsala near Stockholm. Such close correspondences suggest intensive communication between the two sites”, says Martin Rundkvist of UmeĆ„ University

[Full story]

Story: Stockholm University | Photo: Martin Rundkvist

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