Monday, December 29, 2014

Two of President John Tyler’s grandsons are still alive


Here’s an interesting historical tidbit sent in by an ABAH reader: Two of the America’s 10th President John Tyler’s grandsons are still alive. John Tyler was born in 1790 and served as President from 1841-1845.

It’s a really interesting story that you’re still, you know, around. Could you just explain how this happened? How someone born in 1790 still has living grandchildren?

Well, he was a good man! [laughs] Both my grandfather — the president — and my father, were married twice. And they had children by their first wives. And their first wives died, and they married again and had more children. And my father was 75 when I was born, his father was 63 when he was born. John Tyler had fifteen children — eight by his first wife, seven by his second wife — so it does get very confusing. I really do not know — it’s amazing how families drift apart. When I was a child, I did know most of the descendents, but as you get more generations down the line, it’s hard to keep track of everybody.

[Full story]

Story: Dan Amira, New York Magazine | Photo: Vision Forum Ministries

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