Wednesday, February 18, 2015

3D measurements revise dog domestication date


3D analysis of 30,000-year-old skulls thought to belong to domesticated dogs have revealed that the skulls actually belong to wolves. This revises the dates for the domestication of man’s best friend to about 15,000 years ago during the Neolithic.

And while dogs may have been domesticated 15,000 years ago, it was a relatively short time ago – a mere 200 years or so – when the first breeds were named, breed clubs were established, and breed standards were introduced. Since then, “We have seen an explosion in dog diversity,” Drake said. The research she and Coquerelle just published adds to growing knowledge about man’s best friend. “People are inherently interested in dogs and we have influenced their evolution,” Drake said, adding, “They are such a part of our lives. Knowing when domestication of dogs took place in the course of human history is important to our story and to theirs.”

[Full story]

Story: Skidmore College| Photo: Wikimedia Commons

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