Tuesday, February 10, 2015

2,200-year-old moat found in Spain


A moat dating back 2,200 years has been by students working in Tarragona, Spain.

Within the practical work of the degree, about one hundred students carried out field walking, with metal detectors, aerial photography and geophysical surveys. Results obtained from one of the techniques —the electrical tomography— showed some soil anomalies. It is a non-invasive technique, developed with the support provided by lecturers and researchers in the Department of Geochemistry, Petrology and Geological Prospecting of the UB, which analyses soil materials considering their electrical behaviour and distinguish them according to their resistance.

These results led to carry out a survey at the end of December that proved the existence of a great moat that defended the Iberian town of Vilar de Valls. It is 14 metres wide and nearly 5 metres deep moat, and it could be longer than 400 metres.

[Full story]

Story: Universitat de Barcelona | Photo: Universitat de Barcelona

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