Thursday, February 26, 2015

100 prehistoric cult sites found in Israel


100 prehistoric “cult sites” which date back 8,000 years have been found in the Negev Desert in Israel.

Archaeologists are working to decipher any meaning from the artifacts and structures, noting that both death and fertility seem to be symbolized at the sites.

For instance, in addition to the penis-shaped structures, researchers also found that some of the stones have vulva-shaped holes cut into them. The circles that the penis-shaped structures point to also seem to represent females.

“The circle is a female symbol, and the elongated cell is a male one (phallus),” said Uzi Avner, a researcher with the Arava-Dead Sea Science Center and the Arava Institute, in an email to Live Science.

[Full story]

Story: Owen Jarus, LiveScience | Photo: Uzi Avner

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