Thursday, February 12, 2015

2,000-year-old mound undergoes excavation in Ohio


A mound dating back 2,000 years is currently undergoing excavation in Ohio ahead of construction for a new shopping mall.

“Before 2008, it was a bump around 2 1/2 feet tall and quite easy to see,” Burks said. “It was known by many but, for some reason, wasn’t reported. Many mounds go unreported. … I was contacted by a number of people who said the developer was starting to dig, and we came to an agreement on excavation.”

Burks said mounds such as the one on North Bridge Street often contain human burials. Upon inspection, it appears the nearly 2,000-year-old mound could cover the foundation of a building with areas where posts were originally set vertically into the ground. Pottery fragments and burned bones belonging to humans and animals have been found.

[Full story]

Story: Caitlin Turner, Chillicothe Gazette | Photo: Elise Manahan, Chillicothe Gazette

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