Friday, September 12, 2014

Royal Chariot found in China


The remains of a 3,000-year-old bronze royal chariot have been excavated in northwest China.

“It is 2.4 meters long and 1.8 meters wide, and the two wheels are 1.4 meters in diameter,” Zhang said.

The wheel rims were made from lengths of bronze 15 cm thick and 5 cm wide. The wooden spokes had rotted away during the 3,000 years the chariot was buried in the ground.

“The bronze wheels are very rare,” said Lei Mingming, a member of the team from the Shaanxi archaeology institute. “The wheels of chariots from the Western Zhou Dynasty that have been found previously were made of wood covered with a 1-cm layer of bronze.”

[Full story]

Story: Ma Lie, China Daily chi| Photo: Wikimedia Commons

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