Thursday, September 25, 2014

Gas chamber found at Sobibór Nazi death camp


Holocaust researchers have located a gas chamber at the Sobibór death camp that killed an estimated 250,000 Jewish people in 1942-43.

Historians already knew that the Germans operated the gas chambers at Sobibor from April 1942 to October 1943, killing an estimated 250,000 Jews brought from across Europe. But they have many unanswered questions about the operation of the site because there were very few survivors and most of the site was dismantled during the war by the Germans.

“Any small piece of information we can add to our knowledge is a great thing,” said Yoram Haimi, an Israeli archaeologist who has spent the past eight years digging at the site. The team that found the remains of the building also includes a Polish and a Dutch archaeologist.

[Full story]

Story: Vanessa Gera, AP | Photo: Wikimedia Commons

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