Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Anglo-saxon graves uncovered on Salisbury Plain


75 Anglo-Saxon graves have been discovered during an excavation at Barrow Clump, on Salisbury Plain.

A surprising Anglo-Saxon burial, found in a crouched position, a range of weapons, including spearheads and shield bosses, and the fourth example of a brooch-bearing woman were among the highlights during five weeks of investigations at Barrow Clump, a Neolithic settlement which later became a Bronze Age burial mound and Saxon cemetery,

A photo of a long dark brown Anglo-Saxon sword recovered from a burial clump

Archaeologists were excited to unwrap the sword© Wessex Archaeology

“The finding of the Anglo-Saxon sword, by Steve Winterton, couldn’t have been better scripted,” said Phil Andrews, of Wessex Archaeology, who admitted that this year’s excavations had exceeded his “relatively modest” expectations.

[Full story]

Story: Ben Miller, Culture24 | Photo: Wessex Archaeology

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