Wednesday, September 10, 2014

6,500-year-old oven found in Croatia


A 6,500-year-old oven has been found at the site of a Neolithic home in Croatia.

The 6,500-year-old oven was unearthed in a ancient home during an archeological dig at a Neolithic site in Bapska, a village in eastern Croatia, which experts say is one of the most important in Europe. Experts say the oven provided cooked food, hot water and central heating for their dwelling, just like a modern-day Aga.

Lead researcher Marcel Buric – from the Department of Prehistoric Archaeology at Zagreb’s Faculty of Philosophy – said the find was significant because the kiln was covered to protect the rest of the building from fire. “This discovery is important. Because the houses of this period are made of wattle and daubed with a roof made of hay using an open fireplace was dangerous. But a roofed fireplace, like the one in Bapska, besides being safer, also had other advantages,” he explained.

[Full story]

Story: Croatian Times | Photo: Croatian Times

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