Monday, May 11, 2015

Utah utilities crew unearths ancient pit house

A utility crew working in Salt Lake City, Utah have unearthed an ancient pit house while replacing a gas line.

Researchers have found spear points and animal bones, including rabbit, deer and possibly elk, said Lance McNees, of EcoLogic Environmental Consultants, which contracts with Questar.

“We knew we really had something here,” he said. “We decided to excavate the site, and right now we are gathering a lot of data.”

That information will take months to analyze, including carbon-14 dating that can pin down the age of the artifacts. But judging from the spear points found in the pit house, McNees and other archaeologists on the team believe they are 500 to 1,500 years old.

[Full story]

Story: Christopher Smart, The Salt Lake Tribune | Photo: Francisco Kjolseth, The Salt Lake Tribune

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