Wednesday, May 20, 2015

MH370 search located unknown shipwreck

An underwater vehicle being used to search for the wreckage of the still-missing Malaysia Airlines plane MH370 has stumbled across a previously unknown shipwreck.

“There were characteristics of the contact that made it unlikely to be MH370, but there were also aspects that generated interest, multiple small bright reflections in a relatively small area of otherwise featureless seabed,” he said.

Another search boat, owned by the Dutch company Fugro hired to conduct the search, was diverted to investigate. Images taken by an automated underwater vehicle and analysed this week reveal several man made objects including an anchor, and a box-shaped object about six metres long. Black rocks scattered across the seabed are thought to be coal.

[Full story]

Story: Nicky Phillips, SMH | Photo: ATSB

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