Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Egyptian temple found in quarry

The remains of a 3,300-year-old temple have been found in the Gebel El Silsila quarry in Egypt.

Remains of a lost 3,300-year-old temple, most likely founded by the 18th Dynasty Pharaoh Thutmose II, have been unearthed in the Gebel al Silisilah; ancient Egypt’s largest sandstone quarry located to the north of Aswan.

The temple, previously described as a “destroyed Ramesside temple,” was discovered during excavation work being carried out by a team from Sweden’s Lund University and headed by Dr. Maria Nilsson and Dr. John Ward.

“We were successful in locating the temple based on the rudimentary map published by Borchardt and a basic unpublished plan drawing by Lacovara,” Nilsson told The Cairo Post Sunday.

[Full story]

Story: The Cairo Post | Photo: The Gebel el Silsila Survey Project 2015

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