Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Three mosaics found in southern Turkey


Three new mosaics have been found at the Greco-Roman centre of Zeugma, located in southern Turkey.

The uncovered mosaics were displayed at a press conference attended by Gaziantep Mayor Fatma ?ahin and the head of the excavations, Professor Kutalm?? Görkay.

Görkay said excavations at Zeugma, which was one of the most important centers in the Eastern Roman Empire, had started in 2007, adding that good progress had been made with the support of the Culture and Tourism Ministry, the Gaziantep Metropolitan Municipality and ?? Bank.

“There are still unexcavated areas. There are rock-carved houses here. We have reached one of these houses and the house includes six spaces. We have also unearthed three new mosaics in this year’s excavations,” he said.

[Full story]

Story: Hurriyet Daily News | Photo: AA Photos

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