Monday, November 10, 2014

Ancient city ruled by Genghis Khan’s heirs uncovered

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The 750-year-old remains of a city ruled by the descendants of Genghis Khan has been unearthed in Russia.

The city’s name was Ukek and it was founded just a few decades after Genghis Khan died in 1227. After the great conqueror’s death his empire split apart and his grandson Batu Khan, who lived from 1205 to 1255, founded the Golden Horde (also called the Kipchak Khanate).The Golden Horde kingdom stretched from Eastern Europe to Central Asia and controlled many of the Silk Road trade routes that connected China to Medieval Europe.

This city of Ukek was built close to the khan’s summer residence along the Volga River, something which helped it become prosperous. The name “Golden Horde” comes from the golden tent from which the khan was said to rule.

[Full story]

Story: Owen Jarus, LiveScience | Photo: Dmitriy Kubankin

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