Wednesday, November 12, 2014

High-tech imagery reveal Philae Obelisk heiroglyphics


Modern imaging techniques are being applied to examine the faded inscriptions on the Philae Obelisk in England.

“The last time anyone made a good record of what was on this stone was in 1821 when a lithograph was commissioned to celebrate the obelisk’s arrival at Kingston Lacy,” explained Dr Jane Masséglia from the Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents.

“We had no way of knowing that that drawing was correct. But our images show that whoever did the lithograph, especially of the hieroglyphs, made a really great job.

“The other big thing for us is the Greek inscription. Even when the obelisk first came to Kingston Lacy, people looked at it and said they couldn’t make out the whole thing; there were large sections that were rubbed away.

[Full story]

Story: BBC News | Photo: B. Altshuler/CSAD/Oxford University

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