Monday, April 20, 2015

Roman burial found in England by metal detectorist

A Roman burial dating back to 200 A.D. has been excavated by archaeologists in North Hertfordshire, England.

Once the dig was underway, glass bottles, an iron lamp and wall mounting bracket, two layers of hobnails from a pair of shoes and a box with bronze corner bindings were uncovered. Two shattered, but otherwise complete, mosaic glass dishes stood on top of a decayed wooden box which held two broken clear glass cups and a pair of blue glass handles. The largest glass bottle was hexagonal, and contained cremated bone and a worn bronze coin dating from AD 174-5. A rare octagonal bottle stood next to it. A major find was mosaic glass dishes likely made in Alexandria, Egypt, around AD 200.

[Full story]

Story: North Hertfordshire District Council | Photo: Reuters

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