Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Old Kingdom mastaba found in Egypt

A mastaba, a mud-brick tomb, dating back to the Old Kingdom has been found in Quesna, Egypt.

This little known king of the 3rd Dynasty, who probably reigned for as little as six years, is best known from the stone vessels with his serekh inscribed on them from mastaba Z500 at Zawiyet el-Aryan (ZeA). The unfinished Layer Pyramid at ZeA was probably built for this king, although no remains of his burial were found. This newly-discovered mastaba is the first tomb excavated in over 100 years that can be assigned to the reign of King Khaba with any certainty – an exciting find indeed. We look forward to hearing more from Dr Rowland at the upcoming “Delta discoveries” day on 6th June at Doughty Mews.

[Full story]

Story: Egypt Exploration Society | Photo: Egypt Exploration Society

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