Friday, March 6, 2015

Granite busts of lioness goddess unearthed in Luxor


Two black granite busts depicting Sekhmet, a lioness goddess, have been unearthed in Luxor.

The European-Egyptian archaeological mission headed by famed Egyptologist Horig Sourouzian unearthed two busts of the lioness goddess Sekhmet at the north-eastern side of the pillar halls of King Amenhotep III’s temple at Kom El-Hitan on Luxor’s west bank.

Sourouzian told Ahram Online that the temple’s pillars hall is now a void area filled with dust and sand. He said that the mission is currently working there to see if there is anything to discover amidst the ruins.

[Full story]

Story: Nevine El-Aref, Ahram Online | Photo: Ahram Online

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