Tuesday, March 17, 2015

18th-Dynasty tomb found in Luxor


A tomb dating back to the 18th Dynasty has been found in the Gorna necropolis in Luxor.

Minister of Antiquities Mamdoud Eldamaty told Ahram Online on Tuesday that the tomb is a T-shaped tomb with two large halls and an unfinished small niche at its end. An entrance leading to a side room with a shaft at its middle is found at the tomb’s southern side. “Such a shaft could lead to the burial chamber,” Eldamaty pointed out.

He went on saying that the tomb’s walls are painted with scenes depicting the tomb’s owner and his wife in front of an offering table. Hunting scenes are also decorating a part of the walls.

[Full story]

Story: Nevine El-Aref, Ahram Online | Photo: Ahram Online

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