Thursday, October 16, 2014

Neolithic settlement found in England


A Neolithic settlement, complete with loads of pottery and artifacts, has been found in the southwest of England.

“We found about 30 post holes which might have been successive structures. There weren’t any coherent buildings, however, like neat rectangles, which is always a bit annoying, but is the way it is.

“Also found were thousands of pottery shards and flint, and one pit yielded thick layers of charcoal about which we are not sure – containing material, rock crystals and a pierced pebble necklace or amulet.”

A series of test pits in an adjoining field “had more post holes and absolutely loads of material” but overall the best find was “a nice Cornish greenstone stone mace head, like a Neolithic axe, with a hole through the middle”.

[Full story]

Story: The Cornishman | Photo: The Cornishman

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