Wednesday, October 8, 2014

4,000-year-old ritual site found in Poland

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A ritual site dating back 4,000 years has been found on a hilltop in Poland.

The discovery was made on a sands and gravels elevation covered with oaks, formed as a result of a moving glacier. Dr. W?odzimierz Kwiatkowski of the Knyszy? Forest Landscape Park suggested that in terms of the environment and vegetation, the area looked similar at the time of the creation of the ritual place.

At the highest point of the elevation, archaeologists stumbled upon fragments of cups and bowls, belonging to the Bell Beaker community, named after the culture’s distinctive pottery drinking vessels that resemble inverted bells. This culture inhabited large areas of Europe and even North Africa, but can not be identified with one particular people. Vessels discovered in Supra?l were decorated with incised ornament on both the outer and inner surface.

[Full story]

Story: Science & Scholarship in Poland | Photo: K. Januszek

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