Tuesday, September 1, 2015

5,500-year-old sun-worship temple excavated in Denmark

Archaeologists are excavating what they believe may be a temple complex dedicated to sun worship on the Danish island of Bornholm.

The study site – Vasagard – puzzles archaeologists to this day. It was probably the site of a sun worship temple, surrounded by palisades. This is evidenced by the entrance to the complex, located in the direction of the sunrise during the solstice or equinox. During this season of excavations, archaeologists have discovered several ditches, in which, in their opinion, bodies of the deceased were placed to be decomposed. Then the bones were transferred to proper burial chambers.

“In the ditches we find large amounts of pottery, animal bones and damaged stone sun discs. The function of the latter has not been fully explained yet” – told PAP Janusz Janowski, head of the Polish expedition.

[Full story]

Story: Science and Scholarship in Poland | Story: Marta Bura

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