Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Looters raid Thracian mound in Bulgaria

Looters in Bulgaria have raided an ancient Thracian burial mound in southern Bulgaria ahead of planned excavations.

At least one of the Ancient Thracian burial mounds (tumuli) in the southern Bulgarian town of Tatarevo, Plovdiv District, which are soon supposed to be excavated by the Director of the Plovdiv Museum of Archaeology, Kostadin Kisyov, has been raided by treasure hunters recently, a report says.

Photos made on the site and with Google Maps demonstrate that looters have made their way into one of the three Thracian tumuli known as the Tatarevo Mounds, reports local news site Parvomai.net.

Traces on the spot show that the treasure hunters must have managed to take away ceramic vessels from it, plus potentially other ancient artifacts.

[Full story]

Story: Ivan Dikov, Archaeology in Bulgaria | Photo: Parvomai.net

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