Tuesday, July 15, 2014

11th Dynasty Egyptian chapel discovered


A chapel belonging to King Mentuhotep that dates back to the 11th Dynasty has been would on the west bank of the Nile in Sohag, Egypt.

Ali El-Asfar, head of the ancient Egyptian Section at the MAH, told Ahram Online that the chapel is in a very well preserved condition and is located 150 metres north to the temple of King Seti I.

Early studies on the hieroglyphic text engraved on the chapel’s walls suggest that it belongs to the 11th Dynasty king Mentuhotep II, in honour of the god Osiris after his unification with the local god of Sohag, Khenti-Amenty.

[Full story]

Story: Nevine El-Aref, Ahram Online | Photo: Ahram Online

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